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To help shape and inform the development of effective alcohol policy across the country, FARE makes submissions to a range of Commonwealth, State and Territory government inquiries. 

You can read our latest submissions below, or use the search bar to find submissions about a particular policy area.

Latest submissions

ACT Drug Strategy Action Plan

The ACT Government has been updating its Drug Strategy Action Plan 2022-2026 to replace the now-concluded 2018-21 Drug Strategy Action Plan. The Action Plan outlines the ACT Government’s priorities to address harms from alcohol, tobacco and other drugs over the next four years.

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Victorian Suicide Prevention and Response Strategy

The Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System recommended that the Victorian Government develop a suicide prevention and response strategy to better prevent and respond to suicide. The Mental Health and Wellbeing Division in the Victorian Department of Health provided a Discussion Paper for stakeholders to respond to.

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Submission on the Privacy Act Review Discussion Paper

Australians are exposed to advertisements telling them to drink alcohol in a range of settings. Research consistently shows that exposure to advertising for alcoholic products is associated with initiation of alcohol use, and use of higher amounts of alcohol by young people.

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ACT Inquiry into Community Corrections

ACT crime rates are going down, but incarceration levels continue to rise. The ACT criminal justice system has experienced an increase in prison population, costs and recidivism. The criminalisation of AOD problems is a contributing factor in increasing incarceration.

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