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To help shape and inform the development of effective alcohol policy across the country, FARE makes submissions to a range of Commonwealth, State and Territory government inquiries. 

You can read our latest submissions below, or use the search bar to find submissions about a particular policy area.

Latest submissions

ALRC Inquiry Into Justice Responses To Sexual Violence

The justice system needs to be unequivocal and consistent in how it deals with alcohol use to help prevent sexual assault and ensure that justice is served for survivors. Reforming justice responses to sexual violence will directly support victim survivors.

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Submission to the Competition Policy Review

The National Alliance for Action on Alcohol (NAAA) submission to the Competition Policy Review, and complimentary letter of support from FARE, note that alcohol is no ordinary commodity and urges the review to ensure that there is no further relaxation of the current controls that limit the sale, supply and consumption of alcohol.

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Submission to the ANPHA draft report on alcohol advertising

This submission was prepared for the Australian National Preventive Health Agency (ANPHA) in response to the draft report on Alcohol advertising: The effectiveness of current regulatory codes in addressing community concerns. This submission responds to recommendations in the draft report and includes information on policies that were not included in the draft report for consideration by ANPHA.

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2014-15 Pre-budget submission

FARE acknowledges that the Australian Government is striving to achieve significant savings in the 2014-15 Budget and therefore this submission outlines areas of budget saving and small budget expenditure items. The items for budget expenditure are far outweighed by the projected savings that can be obtained from reforming Australiaís alcohol taxation system. One could easily pay for the other.

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Submission to the Tasmanian Liquor Licensing Act 1990 review

The review of the Tasmanian Liquor Licensing Act 1990 (the Act) provides the Tasmanian Government with an opportunity to prioritise evidence-based policies to reduce alcohol-related harms. FARE’s submission proposes 30 recommendations for the future directions of the Act by addressing the issues raised in the Discussion Paper for the Review of the Liquor Licensing Act 1990.

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Submission to the SA Inquiry into the sale and consumption of alcohol

FARE’s submission to the South Australian Parliament Social Development Committee Inquiry into the sale and consumption of alcohol canvases the impact of alcohol use in South Australia (SA) and finds that there are significant harms to drinkers and to those who have been harmed by the drinking of others. FARE makes 12 recommendations to decrease alcohol-related harms.

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