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To help shape and inform the development of effective alcohol policy across the country, FARE makes submissions to a range of Commonwealth, State and Territory government inquiries. 

You can read our latest submissions below, or use the search bar to find submissions about a particular policy area.

Latest submissions

Submission to the National Sports Plan

The Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE) and Bluearth welcomed the opportunity to make a submission on the development of the National Sports Plan. FARE’s submission contained six recommendations, and calls for the establishment of a sports sponsorship replacement fund, with revenue to be generated from a long overdue and much needed reform of the alcohol tax system.

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Swift, Certain and Fair Approaches to Sentencing Family Violence Offenders: Discussion Paper

The Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE) welcomed the opportunity to make a submission on the Swift, Certain and Fair Approaches to Sentencing Family Violence Offenders: Discussion Paper (Discussion Paper). FARE’s submission contained 17 recommendations, with the recommendation to pilot a project with ‘swift and certain’ responses for alcohol-related offences being one.

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