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Policy submissions

FARE Submission to the Senate Select Committee into the Political Influence of Donations

FARE welcomed the opportunity to make a submission to the review of the influence of corporate political donations.

Policy submissions

Submission to the ACT Legislative Assembly Inquiry into Domestic and Family Violence – Policy approaches and responses

FARE welcomed the opportunity to provide a submission to the Legislative Assembly Inquiry into Domestic and Family Violence – Policy approaches and responses.

Policy submissions

Submission to the National FASD Strategy 2018-2028

FARE welcomed the opportunity to make a submission to the development of the next National FASD Strategy 2018-2028.

Policy submissions

Submission to the Liquor & Gaming NSW evaluation of the Community Impact Statement requirement for liquor applications

NAAPA sends a strong message that the phased removal of alcohol advertising in NSW is needed in order to reduce the incidence of alcohol harm.

Policy submissions

Responding to the Problem of Recidivist Drink Drivers: Tasmania Law

The Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE) welcomed the opportunity to make a submission to Issues paper no 23: Responding to the Problem of Recidivist Drink Drivers

Policy submissions

Submission to the National Sports Plan

The Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE) and Bluearth welcomed the opportunity to make a submission on the development of the National Sports Plan. FARE’s submission contained six recommendations, and calls for the establishment of a sports sponsorship replacement fund, with revenue to be generated from a long overdue and much needed reform of the alcohol tax system.

Policy submissions

FARE submission to NT Alcohol Policies and Legislation Review The Tobacco effect: The alcohol industry casting doubt

The Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE) welcomed the opportunity to make a supplementary submission to the NT Alcohol Policies and Legislation Review The Tobacco effect: The alcohol industry casting doubt.

Policy submissions

Submission to the Tax Deductable Gift Recipient Reform Opportunities Discussion Paper

FARE recognises that the NFP sector has and continues to play an important role in Australian society, but maintains that political interference and increased bureaucracy will not contribute to supporting a sector that has for decades worked to achieve positive social, cultural and environmental change.

Policy submissions

Submission to the Review of alcohol policies and legislation: Alcohol harm reduction framework

The submission calls on the Gunner Government to continue to stand up to those with vested interests who seek to profit from alcohol harm in the Territory.

Policy submissions

Swift, Certain and Fair Approaches to Sentencing Family Violence Offenders: Discussion Paper

The Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE) welcomed the opportunity to make a submission on the Swift, Certain and Fair Approaches to Sentencing Family Violence Offenders: Discussion Paper (Discussion Paper). FARE’s submission contained 17 recommendations, with the recommendation to pilot a project with ‘swift and certain’ responses for alcohol-related offences being one.

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