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Research papers

Correcting the Sydney lockout myths

Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education – This study identifies a variety of claims in relation to the impact of the New South Wales liquor law reforms as either false or grossly exaggerated.

Research papers

Alcohol truth: A counter marketing intervention to address adolescent alcohol consumption

This research report summarises the results of a media literacy pilot program to counter alcohol industry advertising, which was delivered in four New South Wales high schools.

Research papers

Principals’ reports of adults’ alcohol use in Australian secondary schools

This research report quantifies and compares the extent to which alcohol is used at secondary school events when students are present in New South Wales and Victoria, and examines school principals’ level of agreement with these practices, awareness of and support for state policies on this issue.

Community polling Research papers

2016 New South Wales poll: Perspectives on alcohol

FARE commissioned Galaxy Research to undertake polling of New South Wales residents to gain an understanding of their perspectives on alcohol policies.

Research papers

Feasibility of a Managed Alcohol Program (MAP) for Sydney’s homeless

Alcohol dependence affects almost half of Sydney’s homeless adult population. This study looks at the feasibility of a Managed Alcohol Program (MAP) in an Australian context, through a review of the literature, survey of potential MAP users, and estimates of the costs and savings involved in delivering a pilot MAP in Sydney.

Research papers

Why don’t friends and relatives of underage drinkers comply with secondary supply laws in NSW?

Australian Catholic University – The study sought to explore why Australian adults continue to provide alcohol to adolescents despite being aware that this behaviour is illegal. Given the substantial body of literature exploring reasons for compliance with traffic laws, we also sought to explore similarities and differences in perceptions of secondary supply, speeding, and drink driving offences.

Research papers

NSW political party responses to NAAPA Election Platform: Not one more

Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education – This report identifies and explores how alcohol brands are using social media to connect sport’s identity, culture and camaraderie with alcohol consumption. It also reveals the main strategies undertaken by alcohol companies to achieve interaction and social activation with consumers.

Community polling Research papers

2015 New South Wales election poll: Perspectives on alcohol

Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education – FARE commissioned Galaxy Research to undertake polling of New South Wales (NSW) residents to gain an understanding of their perspectives on alcohol policies in the lead up to the 2015 NSW State Election.

Research papers

NAAPA Election platform: Not one more

The NSW/ACT Alcohol Policy Alliance (NAAPA)’s NSW Election Platform lays out a clear roadmap to prevent and to reduce alcohol harms across NSW.

Community polling Research papers

Alcohol-related violence in NSW

The Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE) commissioned Galaxy Research to carry out polling of NSW adults to determine their perspectives on community safety, alcohol-related policies and actions taken by the NSW Premier to address alcohol-related violence.

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