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Policy submissions

Pre-budget submission 2016-17

FARE’s pre-budget submission for the 2016-17 Australian Government Budget outlines areas where immediate action can be taken to achieve budget savings and increase revenue, as well as areas where modest investment can result in significant benefits to the community.

Policy submissions

Submission in response to the Liquor licensing discussion paper (South Australia)

The Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE) provided a submission to the South Australian Government’s review of the Liquor Licensing Act 1997, which is an opportunity to introduce policies which improve the health, safety and wellbeing of all South Australians. FARE makes a total of 30 recommendations for the South Australian Government, outlining reforms that are proven solutions to reduce alcohol-related harms.

Policy submissions

Submission to the Queensland Government’s Draft Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Strategy 2015-2025

FARE and PHAA provided a submission with comments on the Australian Labor Party’s National Platform Consultation Draft concerning chronic disease and preventive health. The suggested amendments provide the opportunity to reposition preventive health and reduce the burden of chronic disease in Australia.

Policy submissions

NAAPA submission to the ACT issues paper: Proposals for regulatory reform

NAAPA provided a submission to the ACT Government on the Issues paper: Proposals for regulatory improvements, emphasising that reform must begin with: prioritising harm minimisation as the primary object of the Liquor Act, publically reporting on venues that are non-compliant with the Act, and providing the Minister and Commissioner with the power to impose conditions on licensed premises to reduce associated risks.

Policy submissions

QCAA submission to the Discussion paper: Reducing alcohol and other drug impacts in Queensland

The Queensland Coalition for Action on Alcohol (QCAA) provided a submission to the discussion paper, Reducing alcohol and other drug impacts in Queensland for the Queensland Drug and Alcohol Action Plan 2015-17 (Action Plan). QCAA’s submission focuses on alcohol and makes a total of 25 recommendations of key priorities for action to prevent alcohol harms.

Policy submissions

Submission to the Wine Equalisation Tax rebate discussion paper

The Foundation for Alcohol Research for Education (FARE) provided a submission to the Treasury on the Wine Equalisation Tax rebate discussion paper, which examines the problems with the current illogical alcohol taxation system and recommends a way forward.

Policy submissions

Submission on measures introduced to restrict personal choice ‘for the individual’s own good’

The Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE) provided a submission to the submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Economics Inquiry into measures introduced to restrict personal choice ‘for the individual’s own good’, in particular, in response to Reference B which refers to the sale and service of alcohol and its impact. FARE makes a total of eight recommendations for the Committee, outlining the need for the regulation of alcohol by governments and preventive health policies which save lives and protect people from harms that may incur from others.

Policy submissions

Submission on the development of the 2015 Children’s Right Report

The Foundation for Alcohol Research for Education (FARE) provided comments to the National Children’s Commissioner for the development of the 2015 Children’s Rights Report, addressing each of the proposed questions with a focus on the role and impact of alcohol in family violence.

Policy submissions

Submission on chronic disease prevention and management

The Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE) and the Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA) provided a submission to the Standing Committee on Health’s Inquiry into best practice in chronic disease prevention and management in primary health care, which reviews the current state of preventive health. FARE and PHAA make 11 recommendations to aid in Australia’s efforts to meet the World Health Organization’s targets to reduce the burden of chronic disease and achieve a 25 per cent reduction in premature mortality from NCDs by the year 2025.

Policy submissions

QCAA submission on the Queensland Red Tape Reduction Amendment Bill 2015

The Queensland Coalition for Action on Alcohol (QCAA) provided a submission to the Queensland Government on the Liquor and Fair Trading Legislation (Red Tape Reduction) Amendment Bill 2015. QCAA cautions against proposals to reduce regulation of the liquor industry which are counter to the primary purpose of the Liquor Act which should be to minimise harm from alcohol.

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