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Policy submissions

2013 Australian Dietary Guidelines review stakeholder scoping survey

This week FARE submitted to 2013 Australian Dietary Guidelines review stakeholder scoping survey.

Policy submissions

Digital Advertising Services Inquiry Interim Report

FARE made this short submission to the Inquiry to raise our concern about the potential for advertisers to access and link more data on individual consumers under the recommended proposals.

Policy submissions

Consultation on Aspirations for the Food Regulatory System

FARE welcomes the opportunity to comment on the Aspirations for the Food Regulatory System consultation paper addressing Stage 1 of the review of the intergovernmental Food Regulation Agreement (FRA), and proposing a set of aspirations for the food regulatory system and associated high level actions.

Policy submissions

WHO Working Document of an Action Plan to strengthen implementation of the Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol

In February 2020, the World Health Organisation (WHO) Executive Board requested that the WHO Director-General develop an action plan to effectively implement the ‘Global Strategy to Reduce the Harmful Use of Alcohol’ (2010) as a public health priority.

Policy submissions

Draft Liquor Amendment (24-hour economy) Bill 2020

People often underestimate the risk of harm from drinking alcohol during pregnancy, including miscarriage, stillbirth and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). FARE’s submission provides a way forward in the prevention of harm caused by FASD.

Policy submissions

Inquiry into effective approaches to prevention, diagnosis and support for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

People often underestimate the risk of harm from drinking alcohol during pregnancy, including miscarriage, stillbirth and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). FARE’s submission provides a way forward in the prevention of harm caused by FASD.

Policy submissions

FARE response: Liquor & Gaming NSW consultation on same-day alcohol delivery

Market innovation for convenience is not a valid reason to allow alcohol companies to target vulnerable people via online alcohol sales and delivery.

Policy submissions

Productivity Commission Issues Paper: The Social and Economic Benefits of Improving Mental Health

FARE’s submission to the Productivity Commission inquiry into Mental Health and response to the Issues Paper on the Social and Economic Benefits of Improving Mental Health.

Policy submissions

PAAC-FARE submission to the Exposure draft for the NT Liquor Bill 2019

Alcohol reforms in the Northern Territory (NT) have included a rewrite of the Northern Territory of Australia Liquor Act 1978 (the Act).

Policy submissions

Joint submission on the ACCC Digital Platforms Inquiry

Vulnerable groups, including children, are the object of direct alcohol marketing in the booming digital ecosystem, and the dire lack of regulation and transparency of digital platforms makes this a lucrative space for alcohol companies to recruit drinkers.

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