The Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System recommended that the Victorian Government develop a suicide prevention and response strategy to better prevent and respond to suicide. The Mental Health and Wellbeing Division in the Victorian Department of Health provided a Discussion Paper for stakeholders to respond to.
Category: Policy submissions
The rise of the #MeToo movement has shone a spotlight on the prevalence of sexual harassment, bullying and other inappropriate and unacceptable behaviours within workplaces across the country, leading to a range of inquiries at federal and state levels. Alcohol is a risk factor for these types of behaviours, acknowledged in several recent government reviews.
The ACT Government invited written submissions to its 2022-23 Budget Consultation to consider the ACT Wellbeing Framework. FARE lodged a submission ‘Preventing the Criminalisation of People with FASD’ that addresses all 12 domains of the ACT Wellbeing Framework.
With digital connections playing a significant part in our everyday lives, we need a regulatory system that ensures a safe and healthy online environment for everyone.
Australians are exposed to advertisements telling them to drink alcohol in a range of settings. Research consistently shows that exposure to advertising for alcoholic products is associated with initiation of alcohol use, and use of higher amounts of alcohol by young people.
This joint submission from our four organisations outlines a recent case study of corporate sector behaviour that demonstrates disregard for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and the lack of corporate responsibility for the many harms created by selling alcohol.
Every day, millions of people across Australia, including children who are spending an average of over 14 hours online each week, are exposed to relentless advertising which targets their specific vulnerabilities, emotions and attributes.
ACT crime rates are going down, but incarceration levels continue to rise. The ACT criminal justice system has experienced an increase in prison population, costs and recidivism. The criminalisation of AOD problems is a contributing factor in increasing incarceration.
More than 1,000 people in Queensland die each year of alcohol-attributable disease and injury, and more than 30,000 Queensland hospitalisations are attributable to alcohol. Cancers were responsible for the largest proportion of alcohol-attributable deaths, and neuropsychiatric conditions accounted for largest proportion of all alcohol-attributable hospitalisations.
With digital connection more important in our everyday lives than ever, a regulatory system that ensures a safe and healthy online environment for everyone is essential.
The Justice Legislation (COVID-19 Emergency Response – Permanency) Amendment Bill 2021 (COVID-19 Permanency Bill) makes permanent certain aspects of the temporary laws made in response to the COVID-19 public health emergency.
The Victorian criminal justice system has experienced significantly increased prison populations, costs and recidivism. The criminalisation of alcohol and other drug (AOD) problems is a contributing factor in these increases.