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VIDEO: ‘Our phone has become a bottle shop’ 


With online connection more important in our everyday lives than ever, it’s essential we ensure a safe and healthy digital environment for everyone. 

We launched a new report – ‘Alcohol advertising on social media: a 1-year snapshot’ – which reveals how alcohol companies ply our community with thousands of ads on our social media platforms. 

The research team found around 40,000 alcohol ads were placed on Instagram and Facebook alone in one year – an average of 765 distinct alcohol ads running per week.  

Moreover, 2 out of 3 alcohol retailer ads contained a ‘Shop Now’ button, effectively turning our phone into a bottle shop. 

Watch Associate Professor Nicholas Carah, who is part of the research team, talk about this report and why governments need to do more to protect Australians from relentless, targeted alcohol marketing. 

This report was launched in collaboration with the University of Queensland, Queensland University of Technology, Curtin University and Monash University. 

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