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Origin fail: Blues booze blows

A State of Origin Blues promotion offering free beer has been slammed by former New South Wales Origin player, Steve Ella, who is dismayed about the saturation of alcohol advertising in sport.


Revealed: the reasons why adults fail to comply with secondary supply laws

Australians continue to break the law and supply alcohol to underage drinkers in the belief that there is little risk of detection or punishment. A new study examining the reasons why adults aren’t complying with secondary supply laws has recommended raising awareness of the penalties, together with greater enforcement measures, and effective public education campaigns that challenge social norms and the assumption that ‘everyone else does it’.


Why don’t friends and relatives of underage drinkers comply with secondary supply laws in NSW?

Australian Catholic University – The study sought to explore why Australian adults continue to provide alcohol to adolescents despite being aware that this behaviour is illegal. Given the substantial body of literature exploring reasons for compliance with traffic laws, we also sought to explore similarities and differences in perceptions of secondary supply, speeding, and drink driving offences.

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