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Harms associated with concurrent alcohol and party drug use amongst young people

This thesis explores the concepts of post-modernity and normalisation as they relate to the culture and practices of a group of 25 young people in Melbourne who call themselves the ‘A-Team’. The A-Team is a social network of youth who considered themselves to be ‘typical’ or ‘mainstream’, who participated in work and study, and who did not engage in any illicit activity other than drug use.


Frontal lobe functioning in relation to risky or harmful alcohol use by young adults

University students have a higher prevalence of alcohol use as well as high risk drinking than do non-students of the same age, yet not all students drink at high or risky levels, suggesting that excessive alcohol use by young adults may be influenced to some extent by underlying trait factors in addition to social environmental factors. To this end, this project tested the hypothesis that inherent deficiencies of frontal lobe functioning promote alcohol-related risk in young adults.


The Australian wine tax regime: Assessing industry claims

This report explores the veracity of claims made by segments of the wine industry on the potential impacts of possible alcohol taxation reform scenarios. The proposal by the Henry Tax Review to move from the current ad valorem tax on wine, referred to as the Wine Equalisation Tax (WET), to a volumetric tax, has been fiercely challenged by some in the wine industry. To back up its opposition to the change, the Wine Federation of Australia (WFA) produced estimates of the job losses and declines in sales.


Sex, drugs, and backpacking

This pilot study investigates the behaviours of international backpacking travellers, with a focus on their alcohol consumption and risk taking—particularly sexual risk taking-behaviours.

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