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How Australia is criminalising people with FASD 

Everyone with a disability should have access to the support they need. This is especially true for a lifelong disability like Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). People with FASD experience neurodevelopmental challenges that can affect motor skills, language, executive functioning and social skills.


ACT Inquiry into Community Corrections

ACT crime rates are going down, but incarceration levels continue to rise. The ACT criminal justice system has experienced an increase in prison population, costs and recidivism. The criminalisation of AOD problems is a contributing factor in increasing incarceration.


Why don’t friends and relatives of underage drinkers comply with secondary supply laws in NSW?

Australian Catholic University – The study sought to explore why Australian adults continue to provide alcohol to adolescents despite being aware that this behaviour is illegal. Given the substantial body of literature exploring reasons for compliance with traffic laws, we also sought to explore similarities and differences in perceptions of secondary supply, speeding, and drink driving offences.


NAAPA welcomes new measures

The NSW ACT Alcohol Policy Alliance (NAAPA) has welcomed the measures announced today by Premier Barry O’Farrell to tackle alcohol-related violence in New South Wales.

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