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Chronic disease: failure to act contributing to unnecessary burden

A preventive health alliance has today called for all political parties to put prevention first in this election to reduce the rates of chronic disease. The call comes as a new report released today finds 31 per cent of the nation’s disease burden could be prevented with a greater investment in health prevention.


Brewers slammed for desperate and misleading attempt to market beer as a healthy product

A new digital advertising campaign launched today pokes fun, and holes, in attempts by Australian brewers, Lion and Carlton & United Breweries, to market beer as a healthy choice for Australians. Slamming the brewer’s marketing as deceptive and misleading, the Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE), says that alcohol companies should be prohibited from using language that can mislead consumers into thinking that alcohol products have positive health qualities when they don’t.


Feasibility of a Managed Alcohol Program (MAP) for Sydney’s homeless

Alcohol dependence affects almost half of Sydney’s homeless adult population. This study looks at the feasibility of a Managed Alcohol Program (MAP) in an Australian context, through a review of the literature, survey of potential MAP users, and estimates of the costs and savings involved in delivering a pilot MAP in Sydney.


Submission on chronic disease prevention and management

The Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE) and the Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA) provided a submission to the Standing Committee on Health’s Inquiry into best practice in chronic disease prevention and management in primary health care, which reviews the current state of preventive health. FARE and PHAA make 11 recommendations to aid in Australia’s efforts to meet the World Health Organization’s targets to reduce the burden of chronic disease and achieve a 25 per cent reduction in premature mortality from NCDs by the year 2025.


Prevention 1st comments on the Australian Labor Party’s National Platform Consultation Draft

The Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE) and the Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA) provided a submission with comments on the Australian Labor Party’s National Platform Consultation Draft concerning chronic disease and preventive health. The suggested amendments provide the opportunity to reposition preventive health and reduce the burden of chronic disease in Australia.


Alcohol’s burden of disease

This research provides the most up to date estimates of alcohol’s burden of disease (BoD) in Australia, based on current health and alcohol consumption data.

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