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The people that helped our City2Surf team shine


At the City2Surf start line, my daughter and I spotted James and his family.

I walked over and met James’ wife Nicole and daughters Bella and Zara. All four family members were participating in the event – the youngest being seven years young!

I was so excited to see James for the first time in person, because he is the person who inspired us to form a team for this year’s event.

He reached out to me last year and asked if he could fundraise for FARE for his run with his friend Dylan. Together they raised more than a thousand dollars.

He has since become part of our Voices of Change program, sharing his experience with alcohol, depression, seeking treatment and being sober for 12 years.

Through sharing his story, James is helping to address the stigma that exists around alcohol. He’s an incredible leader and advocate.

I spent most of the 14kms with Nicole and seven-year-old Zara. My daughter Bellsy and Zara jogged, danced, walked and talked together.

We played I-Spy and 20 questions. We had a dance break, and each chose a new move to bust out every time we came across a DJ or live band (and there were many).

I feel most fortunate to be part of a community of incredible humans and advocates like James and to have had both of our families meet and hang out on Sunday felt like a special moment.

There were almost 40 people running, walking or fundraising for FARE and together we’ve raised almost $23,000.

Those funds will go directly to support the Voices of Change program, which has allowed advocates like James and radio host Maz Compton to share their experiences of alcohol harms.

It’s days like that Sunday that I’ll remember for a very long time.

Thank you to everyone who joined the City2Surf team, and to everyone who fundraises or advocates for change as part of our FARE community.

It is this incredible effort that makes us stronger together and makes me certain that we will continue to drive change to prevent the harm from alcohol across the country.

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