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The Every Moment Matters campaign reaches a one in a million milestone


The groundbreaking national health campaign, Every Moment Matters, continues to increase awareness about alcohol, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The campaign, developed by FARE and funded by the Australian Government, aims to:

  • Increase Australians’ awareness of the risks associated with alcohol consumption during pregnancy and while breastfeeding, including Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)
  • Increase the proportion of Australians who are aware alcohol should not be consumed during pregnancy and that it is safest not to drink alcohol when breastfeeding
  • Increase the proportion of Australian women who intend to not drink any alcohol during pregnancy and when breastfeeding.

Here’s just a few of the campaign highlights so far:

One million views on the Every Moment Matters website 

This September, the Every Moment Matters website ticked over one million views since it launched in November 2021!

In the past three years 10,100 resources have been downloaded from the site and there has been a total of 771,489 users.

The campaign video has been viewed more than 65 million times, and the audio advertisement listened to more than 9.8 million times.

Changing intentions around alcohol, pregnancy and breastfeeding 

The results of the campaign evaluation led by the University of Adelaide demonstrate the campaign is making a difference, with surveys of the target audience finding that between January 2022 and November 20231 there was:  

  • An increase in the proportion of women who would abstain from alcohol during pregnancy if they were to become pregnant from 82.6 per cent to 90.1 per cent.  
  • A decrease in the proportion of women who would consume at least some alcohol from 15 per cent to 9.7 per cent.  

Between October 2021 (a month prior to the campaign launch) and October 20232, there were significant changes in the proportion of Australians who:  

  • Know there is no safe number of standard alcoholic drinks a pregnant woman can consume on any one day to avoid harm to the developing baby – from 73.3 per cent to 79.6 per cent.  
  • Know there is no safe type of alcohol that can be consumed during pregnancy – from 69.2 per cent to 73.2 per cent   
  • Know there is no safe time to consume alcohol during pregnancy – from 67.5 per cent to 73.5 per cent 
  • Are aware of FASD – from 51.5 per cent to 54.4 per cent 

Sharing community stories

Many Australians have shared their experience of pregnancy and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) as part of the campaign, to raise awareness and provide support and solidarity for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.  

Sue shared the importance of supporting women in your community to have an alcohol-free pregnancy. 

Vanessa spoke about her experience caring for a young person with FASD, and the important role parents and carers can play in supporting people living with FASD to thrive.  

Jenny shared her breastfeeding experience, and why she made the decision not to drink alcohol while breastfeeding her daughter.  

1 Data describes unpublished results of an external evaluation led by the University of Adelaide. The online surveys were conducted by Pure Profile in January 2022 (six weeks after campaign launch) and November 2023. Each survey included at least 800 Australians with equal representation from women who are pregnant/breastfeeding, trying/planning a pregnancy, women aged 18-44, and partners of women who are pregnant/breastfeeding/trying/planning. All changes are statistically significant (p<.05).

2 The national pre- and post-campaign surveys were conducted via the Life in Australia™ panel to survey a nationally representative sample of the Australian adult population (Pre-campaign sample N=2,911; Post-campaign sample N=3,116). All changes are statistically significant (p<.05).

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