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Community stories

‘My FASD diagnosis illuminated the deep fog of misunderstanding and misdiagnosis’

March 2025 will mark six years since I received my Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) diagnosis — a life-changing confirmation that my mother and I spent four very difficult years seeking — desperate for the acknowledgment and support of healthcare professionals, for what we had come to realise was true: That my brain and body had been irrevocably damaged by alcohol exposure in the first trimester of my mother’s pregnancy. 

Community stories Health Promotion

‘I’m thrilled that parents are taking action on alcohol, pregnancy and breastfeeding’

This month a new report found that Every Moment Matters, a groundbreaking campaign to support alcohol-free pregnancies and safe breastfeeding practices, successfully changed the actions of an estimated 16,000+ Australians in 2023.

Media releases

National campaign about alcohol, pregnancy, and breastfeeding delivers $236m benefit to Australians

A groundbreaking campaign to support alcohol-free pregnancies and safe breastfeeding practices has reduced the cost of alcohol harms in Australia by $236 million, according to a new report. The National Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Program Social Return on Investment report found that every $1 invested in the Every Moment Matters campaign generated a $9 […]

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