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What is a standard drink?

A standard drink may be less than you think

What is a standard drink?

A standard drink may be less than you think

What is a standard drink of alcohol?

One standard drink contains 10 grams of pure alcohol. 

The number of standard drinks in a serve of alcohol depends on the alcohol volume (strength) and the size of the serve.

Some products are stronger than others. Every drink is different – some examples include:

  • One small glass (285ml middy or pot) of full-strength beer usually contains 1.1 standard drinks.
  • An average-sized glass of wine in a restaurant (150ml) usually contains about 1.6 standard drinks for white wine, and 1.8 standard drinks for red wine.
  • One nip (30ml shot glass) of spirits normally contains 1 standard drink.
  • Many popular cocktails contain more than 1 standard drink.

How to check the number of standard drinks in a serving

You can see how many standard drinks are in a packaged bottle or can of alcohol by checking the product label.

Every packaged alcoholic product in Australia is required to be labelled with the number of standard drinks that it contains, as well as the alcohol by volume (ABV) percentage.

If you are ordering alcohol that’s poured from a tap at a bar or restaurant, the staff should be able to tell you how many standard drinks are in the drink they prepared for you.

How many standard drinks are you pouring?

If consuming alcohol at home, it is useful to know the amount of liquid that equates to one standard drink. 

To help with this, we have created a calculator that allows you to work out what is one standard drink across a range of products. 

Start by selecting your container and alcohol type below to see the approximate millilitres per standard drink. You also can enter the specific size of your container and the exact alcohol by volume (ABV) of the alcohol you are using.

Choose your options


Large wine glass


Small wine glass


Sparkling wine glass


Fortified wine glass


Shot glass


Spirit glass


Pot/Middy glass


Schooner glass


Pint glass


Red wine


White wine


Sparkling wine




Fortified wine




Light beer


Mid strength beer


Full strength beer



Standard drink calculator

Pint glass 570ml

Mid strength beer 3.5%

Your pour 0ml


Standard drink APPROX. 362ml

Standard drinks = 1.4 APPROX.

Reducing your alcohol use reduces your risk of cancer.

Why tracking standard drinks is important

For people who drink, standard drinks are an important way to understand and keep track of the amount of alcohol you have consumed.

This helps ensure you keep within the Australian Alcohol Guidelines, which reduce the chance of dying from an alcohol-related illness or injury to less than 1 in 100. 

This can help you track your blood alcohol concentration to determine if you may be safe to drive. It generally takes one hour for the body to metabolise one standard drink. 

Counting standard drinks, and setting a limit for the number you will drink, can be a useful way to help you reduce your drinking to improve your health. 

We share a range of helpful tips and tools you can use if you are looking to cut back on alcohol. 

A tool like the Your Room Drinks Meter app can help you keep track of how many standard drinks you have. 

You can also read more about the Australian Alcohol Guidelines and the evidence behind them.

Need advice or support?

To find a local GP, you can call 1800 022 222 or visit healthdirect.gov.au. To find a local psychologist, visit psychology.org.au/find-a-psychologist. If you need other support to reduce your drinking, you can contact the National Alcohol and Other Drug Hotline on 1800 250 015.

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