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FARE supports, funds and undertakes research to contribute to the knowledge base on a range of alcohol harms and the best strategies to reduce them. Research informs our approach to ensure the solutions we advocate for are based on the best available evidence.

You can read some of the latest research papers below, or use the search bar to find papers on a particular topic.

Latest research papers

Alcohol-induced deaths in Australia

In 2022, 1,742 people in Australia died of an alcohol-induced death, such as chronic conditions like liver cirrhosis or acute conditions such as alcohol poisoning. Alcohol-induced deaths were recorded at a rate of 6 deaths for every 100,000 people living in Australia – the highest rate reported in 10 years.

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More research papers

NSW political party responses to NAAPA Election Platform: Not one more

Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education – This report identifies and explores how alcohol brands are using social media to connect sport’s identity, culture and camaraderie with alcohol consumption. It also reveals the main strategies undertaken by alcohol companies to achieve interaction and social activation with consumers.

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The hidden harm: Alcohol’s impact on children and families

Centre for Alcohol Policy Research – The hidden harm reveals the full extent of alcohol-related family and domestic violence in Australia. The 2015 study examined the prevalence and effects of heavy drinking on families and children, and the extent to which they persisted or changed over time.

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