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Research papers

Safer places and small bars

This research examines how the type and size of late night licensed premises in Adelaide’s entertainment precinct can positively or negatively affect perceptions of safety.

Research papers

Women Want to Know project evaluation

Hall & Partners Open Mind were engaged by the FARE to conduct an independent evaluation of the Women Want to Know project, which encourages health professionals to routinely discuss alcohol and pregnancy with women.

Research papers

Correcting the Sydney lockout myths

Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education – This study identifies a variety of claims in relation to the impact of the New South Wales liquor law reforms as either false or grossly exaggerated.

Community polling Research papers

2016 Australian Capital Territory poll: Support for 3am last drinks and perceptions of safety

FARE commissioned ReachTEL to undertake polling of ACT residents to gain an understanding on attitudes towards alcohol, perceptions of safety and support for trading hour ‘last drinks’ policies.

Community polling Research papers

Annual alcohol poll 2016: Attitudes and behaviours

The nation’s most comprehensive annual alcohol poll sheds light on what we drink and think.

Community polling Research papers

2016 New South Wales poll: Perspectives on alcohol

FARE commissioned Galaxy Research to undertake polling of New South Wales residents to gain an understanding of their perspectives on alcohol policies.

Community polling Research papers

2016 Queensland poll: Perspectives on alcohol

The Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE) commissioned Galaxy Research to undertake polling of Queenslanders to gain an understanding of their perspectives on alcohol policies.

Research papers

Risky business: The alcohol industry’s dependence on Australia’s heaviest drinkers

Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education – Risky business examines patterns of alcohol consumption among segments of the Australian population. The report exposes the alcohol industry’s heavy reliance on risky drinkers, with over 3.8 million Australians averaging more than four standard drinks of alcohol a day, twice the recommended health guidelines.

Research papers

Feasibility of a Managed Alcohol Program (MAP) for Sydney’s homeless

Alcohol dependence affects almost half of Sydney’s homeless adult population. This study looks at the feasibility of a Managed Alcohol Program (MAP) in an Australian context, through a review of the literature, survey of potential MAP users, and estimates of the costs and savings involved in delivering a pilot MAP in Sydney.

Research papers

Why don’t friends and relatives of underage drinkers comply with secondary supply laws in NSW?

Australian Catholic University – The study sought to explore why Australian adults continue to provide alcohol to adolescents despite being aware that this behaviour is illegal. Given the substantial body of literature exploring reasons for compliance with traffic laws, we also sought to explore similarities and differences in perceptions of secondary supply, speeding, and drink driving offences.

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