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Launch of updated Feed Safe app to provide information on alcohol and breastfeeding


Today the Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE) in partnership with the Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) have relaunched the Feed Safe app.

FARE CEO, Ms Caterina Giorgi said women who are breastfeeding want access to clear and current information about alcohol.

“As part of the Every Moment Matters campaign, we’ve collaborated with the Australian Breastfeeding Association to update the Feed Safe app to reflect the current evidence and advice on alcohol and breastfeeding.

“The National Health and Medical Research Council’s updated Australian Guidelines to Reduce Health Risks from Drinking Alcohol advise that if you’re breastfeeding, not drinking alcohol is safest.

“The Feed Safe app supports women to ensure that their breastmilk is alcohol-free before breastfeeding,” Ms Giorgi said.

Researcher Dr Roslyn Gigilia was involved in the original development of the app, and its relaunch. She is passionate about supporting women to adopt safe breastfeeding practices.

“Developing infant brains are more vulnerable to alcohol than adult brains, and exposure to alcohol through breastmilk has been linked to deficits in psychomotor development.

“Drinking alcohol while breastfeeding can also disrupt baby’s sleep, and result in feeding difficulties due to changes in the flow of milk. This change in milk flow creates a reduction in milk supply.

She goes on to add how the app helps address these issues.

“Feed Safe makes it clear that the only way to ensure that breastmilk is alcohol-free is to wait for your body to process the alcohol. This takes approximately two hours per standard drink.

“Over the last decade, Feed Safe has been used more than 3 million times, so it’s a really important public health tool that supports women who breastfeed.”

Australian Breastfeeding Association Executive Officer Victoria Marshall-Cerins said the Feed Safe app is a free and easy tool to use.

“Feed Safe provides answers to the most common questions about alcohol and breastfeeding. It has a timer, and uses your height, weight and alcohol intake to estimate when your breastmilk should be free of alcohol, and alert you when this time has been reached.

“The app also includes a standard drinks guide, contact information for the National Breastfeeding Helpline and contact numbers for alcohol and drug services around Australia.”

Federal Minister for Health and Aged Care, Mark Butler said the Every Moment Matters campaign is providing Australians with the latest health information about alcohol and breastfeeding.

“The Albanese Government is proud to fund this campaign. It includes evidence-based advice and resources about safe breastfeeding practices, including tips on avoiding alcohol, and effective harm minimisation strategies.

“Updating and promoting the Feed Safe app is one of the many ways the campaign is supporting women to ensure the milk their baby drinks is alcohol-free.”

To access the Feed Safe app and to find out more about alcohol and breastfeeding, visit everymomentmatters.org.au

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