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Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE) Community Guidelines

FARE’s social media channels are not monitored at all hours and are not a counselling or medical service. If you need professional support, please visit our support site for referrals.

When engaging on FARE social media channels, you agree to be respectful of others. You agree to appreciate that other users may have experiences and opinions that differ from your own, and you agree to not personally attack others or use inflammatory language.

FARE strives for an Australia free from alcohol harms. We’re passionate about health promotion to protect and the community. We’re also passionate about holding the alcohol industry accountable for questionable marketing tactics, misinformation and dangerous practices.

We invite you to share your experience with us in an open and respectful way that helps us challenge stereotypes while questioning cultural socio-cultural attitudes around alcohol in Australia.

When moderating this page, FARE Australia reserves the right to remove comments that:

  • Defame, libel, insult, abuse, harass, stalk, threaten or attack others
  • Use racist, sexist, homophobic, vulgar, obscene, or hateful language
  • Attempt to troll, bully, harass or deliberately upset
  • Violate a copyright, trademark, or intellectual property of another
  • Spam, multi-post, or share unsolicited corporate advertising
  • Constitutes unqualified legal or medical advice
  • Promotes harmful stereotypes about alcohol use
  • Share private or publicly identifiable information about themselves or others.

Users who breach these guidelines may be banned from engaging with FARE social media channels.

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