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Community groups remain resolute in opposition to Dan Murphy’s


The group of organisations fighting to protect the local community from increased alcohol-fuelled harm, says it will continue to oppose Woolworths’ application for a supersized Dan Murphy’s liquor store.

Changes proposed by the NT Government today will likely see Woolworths’ application return to the NT Civil and Administrative Tribunal (NTCAT).

FARE Director of Policy Trish Hepworth says with any new legislation you can expect some fine tuning, and the objectors will be looking at the details of the changes to the NT Liquor Act 2019 through the committee process.

“The most important thing is that we continue to give a voice to community groups who don’t want to see a spike in alcohol harm,” Ms Hepworth said.

“The NT Government continues to be a world leader in its approach to reducing alcohol harms, introducing key reforms, including the independent liquor commission, moratorium on new licences, banned drinker register, and minimum unit price,” she said.

“We’ve seen positive reduction to emergency department presentations and alcohol-related assaults since the introduction of the alcohol reforms, so the last thing we want to see now are actions that could reverse those positive trends,” said Deborah Di Natale, NTCOSS CEO.

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