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Open letter: Call to National Cabinet to commit to Rapid Review recommendations on alcohol

Dear Prime Minister, Premiers and Chief Ministers,  

We are writing to call on you to take action to address alcohol’s role in domestic, family and sexual violence. 

Many women have shared the role that alcohol plays in their experience of violence. 

They’ve told us that as the sun goes down, more alcohol flows into their home, and they anticipate the increasing severity of violence. 

As Survivor Advocate, Kym Valentine has said, “We’ve always known that when drinking is involved, it is like pouring petrol on a bonfire.” 

The need for bold and immediate action has never been clearer.  

The release of the rapid review final report “Unlocking the prevention potential: Accelerating action to end domestic, family and sexual violence”, provides a welcome and important blueprint for government reform that will prevent and reduce harm.  

We are heartened to see the expert panel acknowledge alcohol’s role in domestic, family and sexual violence.  

Crucially, the report goes further to include specific actions on alcohol as a lever to reduce violence.  

Given the crisis we are currently seeing in Australia, it is imperative that governments implement the expert panel’s recommendations on alcohol swiftly, fully and without compromise. 

The following recommendations from the report are vital in any approach to preventing domestic, family and sexual violence: 

11a. equipping and resourcing General Practitioners (GPs), perinatal, and mental health and alcohol and other drug (AOD) services to identify and support DFSV victim-survivors and people who use violence (Commonwealth and states and territories). 

11d. Increasing cross-sector collaboration between the AOD and DFSV sector and provide specialised services for women that are family friendly and support caring for children (states and territories). 

14c. establishing a strategy for capability uplift across other intersecting workforces, and prioritising legal, justice, child protection and health (including AOD and mental health) sectors. 

17a. adopting clear primary objectives in state and territory liquor regulatory regimes to prevent gender-based violence, alongside existing objectives around alcohol harm reduction (states and territories). 

17b. restrictions on alcohol sales, delivery timeframes (states and territories) and advertising (Commonwealth and states and territories). 

We also call on you to re-establish a national governance framework for the AOD sector in Australia to ensure coordination in the development, implementation and funding of national priorities and to facilitate action across the state and territory governments.   

We look forward to working with all Australian governments to improve the health, wellbeing and safety of women and children across the country.  

Yours sincerely,  

Annabelle Daniel OAM 
Chief Executive Officer 
Women’s Community Shelters 

Patricia Turner AM
Chief Executive Officer 
National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation 

Caterina Giorgi 
Chief Executive Officer  
Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education   

Melanie Walker 
Chief Executive Officer 
Australian Alcohol and other Drugs Council 

Chris Christoforou 
Chief Executive Officer 
Victorian Alcohol & Drug Association 

Professor Elizabeth Elliott AM FAHMS FRSN 
Distinguished Professor in Paediatrics and Child Health   
University of Sydney 

Jennifer Harland 
Drug and Alcohol Nurses of Australia 

Rob McPhee 
Chief Executive Officer 
Danila Dilba Health Service 

Professor Nicole Lee 
Chief Executive Officer 
Hello Sunday Morning and 360Edge 

Ms Sophie Harrington 
Acting Chief Executive Officer 
National Organisation for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders, NOFASD Australia

Prof Dan Lubman AM 
Executive Clinical Director 
Turning Point 

Dr John Crozier 
Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 

Anita Mills 
Chief Executive Officer 
Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drug Association ACT (ATODA) 

Michael White  
Executive Officer 
South Australian Network of Drug and Alcohol Services (SANDAS) 

Dr. Erin Lalor 
Chief Executive Officer 
Alcohol and Drug Foundation 

Dr Ingrid Wilson 
Honorary Research Fellow  
Judith Lumley Centre, La Trobe University 

Professor Scott Wilson 
Chief Executive Officer 
Aboriginal Drug & Alcohol Council SA 

Adjunct Professor Terry Slevin 
Chief Executive Officer
Public Health Association Australia  

Ms Natalie Stapleton
Executive Officer 
Alcohol Change Australia 

Mr Brian Howe AO 
Hon Professor 
University of Melbourne 
Former Deputy Prime Minister 
Uniting Church of Australia 

Emeritus Professor Angela Taft 
Judith Lumley Centre, La Trobe University 

Kym Valentine 
Survivor Advocate 

Dr John Paterson 
Chief Executive Officer 
Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance Northern Territory 

Dr Matthew Hope FRACS 
Chair, Trauma Committee 
Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 

Professor Mark Frydenberg AM FRACS 
Chair, Health Policy and Advocacy Committee 
Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 

Lorraine Keane 
Chief Executive Officer 

Shanna Whan  
Founder/Chief Executive Officer  
Sober In the Country 

Nicole Hewlett 
Founding Director 
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Palliative Care Association (NATSIPCA) 

Associate Professor Kerin Fielding FRACS 
Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 

Donna Ah Chee 
Chief Executive Officer 
Central Australian Aboriginal Congress 

Robyn Williams PhD, MA, BA 
Senior Research Fellow, Medical School 
Curtin University 

Professor Jacqueline Bowden 
Interim Discipline Group Lead, Public Health 
Director, National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction (NCETA)

Michelle Royes 
Interim CEO 

Professor Simone Pettigrew 
Program Director
The George Institute for Global Health

Prue Warrilow
Chief Executive Officer
Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth (ARACY)

Kellie Friend
Chief Executive Officer
Toora Women

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