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FARE’s response to report showing alcohol-induced deaths at their highest rate in 10 years 


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Today, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) released the latest available data on the Causes of Death in Australia.

Alcohol-induced deaths increased by 5.8 per cent in 2021, bringing deaths from causes such as liver cirrhosis and alcohol poisoning to their highest level in a decade.

There were 1559 alcohol-induced deaths recorded in 2021, a rate of 5.4 deaths for every 100,000 people living in Australia, up from 5.1 in the previous two years.

FARE CEO Caterina Giorgi said:

“Over the past few years, and especially during the pandemic, there have been far too many pressures on our families and our communities.”

“During the pandemic, we have seen alcoholic products being heavily promoted by alcohol companies and marketed as a way to cope with the stresses and pressures being faced by families.”

“It is heartbreaking to see the devastation that alcoholic products cause in our communities — something that can be prevented.”

“We should not forget that behind these numbers and statistics are real people — our family members, our friends, our community.”

“Governments across Australia need to be doing more to prevent the significant harms from alcohol. This includes introducing common-sense measures to address the ever-changing alcohol market, including addressing rapid delivery of alcohol and dark advertising targeting people who are most at risk.”

Support is available by calling the National Alcohol and Other Drug hotline (1800 250 015). A full list of support services is available on the FARE website here

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