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Personality, coping, motives for substance use, and mood examined in a sample of substance using young adults

The neurological research on substance use has included the examination of the brain systems, which may act as mediators for reinforcing the effects of drugs; the measurement of brain-related activity in substance users while performing behavioural tasks; and the long term effects of substance use on the brain among chronic users. This project investigates a significant number of already established risk factors, including personality, impulsivity, coping resources, motives for use, and affect, within a single clinical sample.


Reducing morbidity among licit substance-using adolescents: A record-linkage assessment of a brief intervention

This randomised trial of adolescents presenting to hospital emergency departments in Perth with problems related to alcohol or other drug use, used the then recently implemented system of linking records in hospitals and medical practices in Western Australia. The aim of this research was to validate the use of hospital record linkage procedures as a method of collecting follow-up data and to use this methodology to assemble outcome data on the study cohort.

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