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‘Strong Born’: Supporting Aboriginal communities to yarn about FASD

Sharing information about alcohol-free pregnancies and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) can help every baby to be strong born. Strong Born is the latest part of the broader Every Moment Matters initiative and shares new resources created with and for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in rural and remote communities.


Stigma: An invisible barrier to accessing support 

Stigma and discrimination are a common experience for people with mental health or alcohol and other drug (AOD) issues, and people with disability, including Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). This can occur within social, healthcare, welfare, support services, criminal justice and employment settings.


The ‘individual responsibility’ myth 

We rightfully celebrate when people set or achieve a sobriety goal or milestone, because making a change when it comes to alcohol – against a backdrop of incessant alcohol company marketing and excessive availability – is so difficult. But what do we need to do to make this change easier for people?


We need to talk about alcohol  

Recently released Australian Bureau of Statistics released data showed that more people are dying because of alcohol, with increases two years in a row bringing alcohol-induced deaths to their highest rate in a decade. If you didn’t hear about this, it’s not surprising, because these findings did not spark a national discussion or result in governments leaping to action to understand and reverse these trends.

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