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Submission to the NSW expert panel on political donations

This submission was prepared for the New South Wales (NSW) Government’s Expert panel on political donations and provides information on the significant influence that the alcohol industry has in alcohol policy development and four recommendations for prioritising public health ahead of alcohol industry profits.


Submission to the ANPHA draft report on alcohol advertising

This submission was prepared for the Australian National Preventive Health Agency (ANPHA) in response to the draft report on Alcohol advertising: The effectiveness of current regulatory codes in addressing community concerns. This submission responds to recommendations in the draft report and includes information on policies that were not included in the draft report for consideration by ANPHA.


Alcohol label audit 2013

This report contains the results of an independent audit of alcohol product labels and the content, size, placement, and frequency of DrinkWise consumer information messages.


Submission on ANHPA Issues Paper on alcohol advertising

FARE’s submission on the Australian Preventive Health Agency’s (ANPHA) Issues Paper, Alcohol Advertising: The effectiveness of current regulatory codes in addressing community concerns makes the case for alcohol marketing reform, and sets out principles for an effective alcohol advertising regulatory regime using a multifaceted approach.

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