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Supporting each other this holiday season


The holiday season is a time when many people are doing it tough. We can all play a role in creating a supportive environment.

At this time of year, it can seem like alcohol is absolutely everywhere.

For people who are trying to cut back, or avoid alcohol, it can feel near impossible.

There are a few ways we can support each other throughout the holidays:

  • Ensure social gatherings are not centered around alcohol.
  • Make sure alcohol-free options are available.
  • Check in on your family and friends.
  • If someone isn’t drinking alcohol, don’t ask why or pressure them to drink.

The holiday season is an opportunity to start conversations with friends and loved ones about how to create supportive environments to come together.

Alcohol causes far too much harm across our community, including accidents, injuries, self-harm, alcohol poisoning, liver disease and various cancers. 

At a time when deaths and hospitalisations from alcohol use are at their highest in a decade, we can work together to reduce and prevent these harms.

If you are worried about your alcohol use or that of a loved one, there are support services available.

To speak to someone, you can also call: 

  • National Alcohol & Other Drug Hotline: 1800 250 015
  • 1800 Respect: 1800 737 732
  • Lifeline: 13 11 14

Find resources and more support services here.

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