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FARE supports, funds and undertakes research to contribute to the knowledge base on a range of alcohol harms and the best strategies to reduce them. Research informs our approach to ensure the solutions we advocate for are based on the best available evidence.

You can read some of the latest research papers below, or use the search bar to find papers on a particular topic.

Latest research papers

Alcohol-induced deaths in Australia

In 2022, 1,742 people in Australia died of an alcohol-induced death, such as chronic conditions like liver cirrhosis or acute conditions such as alcohol poisoning. Alcohol-induced deaths were recorded at a rate of 6 deaths for every 100,000 people living in Australia – the highest rate reported in 10 years.

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More research papers

Alcohol health warning labels: Attitudes and perceptions

The Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education (FARE) commissioned Galaxy Research to conduct market testing of five sample health warning labels containing consumer information for alcohol products, in order to determine Australian’s support of the health warning labels and the perception of their effectiveness in raising awareness and changing behaviours.

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Frontal lobe functioning in relation to risky or harmful alcohol use by young adults

University students have a higher prevalence of alcohol use as well as high risk drinking than do non-students of the same age, yet not all students drink at high or risky levels, suggesting that excessive alcohol use by young adults may be influenced to some extent by underlying trait factors in addition to social environmental factors. To this end, this project tested the hypothesis that inherent deficiencies of frontal lobe functioning promote alcohol-related risk in young adults.

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